During the short procedure the system transfers plasma energy to your target area without direct contact to the skin. This technique preserves the skins outer layers which act as a protective dressing until new skin regenerates.

Portrait® Plasma® & Rytec Skin Regeneration Is Effective In Treating:

  • Facial Wrinkles
  • Superficial Skin Lesions
  • Brown Spots / Sun Spots
  • Acne Scars


A topical anesthetic is generally applied before the procedure, and you may experience a localized sensation of heat during the brief procedure. A full face treatment usually takes less than 20 minutes.

Portrait® Skin Regeneration is safe and effective, and downtime is minimal. At lower levels of treatment there will be some mild redness and flaking of the skin. At higher levels, the outer layer of skin browns and is shed 3-5 days after treatment. Once this occurs, the redness of the regenerated skin will last for about 7 days.

Shedding may take a little longer at the edges of the treated area. Localized redness may also linger slightly in some patients. On darker skin, the localized redness may appear as a darker spot that lightens over time.

Most conditions require from 1-2 treatments, depending upon the desired outcome, your skin condition and the level of improvement you are seeking relative to downtime. Your Cosmetëik Skin Care Coach will help you formulate a treatment plan to achieve your goals.


Shortly after treatment, you will see improvements in your skin texture and tone and diminished wrinkles, quickly giving you a new, more vibrant and youthful appearance. In addition, you can expect continued improvements in your skin texture and tone for as long as a year after treatment.